Thursday, April 28, 2011


An unsung heroine
Ms.Beverly Gatimu Lecturer Daystar University

Have you ever met a teacher who makes you feel a part of something grand?
I came across one that made me feel a part of something grand. She has the ability to open eyes to new realities. This lecturer has a way of making students feel that things would not be complete without them. I had the opportunity to have her as a guest in my public speaking class during my first year and lecturer in my third year. She recognizes every students drive and allows them to experience the pressure of what the outside University life feels like.
One aspect of being an every day heroine is having the ability to understand your own limitations and embracing them with solitude. Beverly knows that she cannot help every single student who she teaches. She knows that without connection with her class it’s useless. Her ideas and knowledge are of no benefit if the students are not willing to learn. She believes she cannot achieve greatness on her own, thus making her humble and thankful.
It was on a Monday morning same usual thing. I had a presentation in a public speaking class. We had a guest coming to judge us and everybody was over prepared for that class. For the first time in my University life someone appreciated my efforts and complimented me. She was the first lecturer to recognize and appreciate my efforts. Beverly Gatimu, a unique lecturer, has in some way impacted every student’s life that has been part of her class. I was very nervous that morning before my presentation. When I got an opportunity to know her later and interview her, first question was if she ever gets nervous and what makes her so sure about every topic she handles. Being a guest means meeting new people and new questions.
She actually admitted she does get nervous but being prepared is always the best option. She also told me reading widely is very healthy. You can never be so sure you are doing the right thing unless you are over prepared and ready to handle any topic. I could not believe I heard her admit this. She is charismatic, portrays a high sense of confidence by the way she answers questions. After every presentation in class she has additional general information that applies in our country. She knows every on-going and past issue. This enables her to advance a personal vision and inspire students.
She is very open-minded and sees things for what they are. I think it is because for her every thing has to be applicable to our normal daily life. It’s amazing how she believes everyone deserves the opportunity to compete. The debates in class tell it all. “She is very open-minded and has knowledge of every subject or topic you ask her,” said Antony. She puts things together in a creative way and uses them to help students learn other elements in life. Her experience in the media is a blessing to the communication students. She does not think twice when you tell her to connect you. Although you work your way through she makes it accessible for any student who shows interest and has ability.

Antony Respondent (Daystar University Student)

She establishes a common interest then uses that to teach the students the discipline, teamwork, self-respect, the importance of high personal expectation, and doing your very best at everything you do. No matter how much you complain about assignments she will not be shaken at all. I was asking Claire a fourth year student who is graduating what she thinks of Ms. Beverly I could not agree more. “She is practical and real. I never thought a boring course I tried avoiding for years could be this interesting. I thank God I post-poned doing it,” she said. This to her is an advantage she believes most students do not have over her thanks to Ms.Beverly.
Claire Respondent (Daystar University student)

Before she became a lecturer she worked in a media house, she was a news editor working for both the radio and TV desks at the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. She also did some radio presenting along the legendary John Obongo Junior as well as pursue her Masters Degree at Daystar University; she has also worked as a consultant and a part time lecturer in two Universities. She later resigned from the media house to be a fulltime lecturer at Daystar University in 2010. This has allowed her to make a meaningful contribution to the students. Before she used to give talks and that is how I met her the first time. During the talks and part time lectures she realized she could do better if she concentrated on lectures only.
Through all her work with students in and out of the classroom, every student leaves with greater sense of self worth and high respect for what is right and good. Her philosophy is simple. She believes in getting the best out of her students and respect. It is not easy to find a person who thrives on spending extra time outside his or her normal work day. The way she goes extra miles to help students get internships. In addition, this type of invaluable contribution is often unseen and unheralded. Why would a young lady someone with a life outside the classroom walls spend extra time helping and advising students even though she doesn’t get paid? “Basically I spend extra time with students because it’s what I enjoy doing. Being a media personality is great but I value my privacy. I enjoy spending time with students and mentoring the young TUCKS who will blow up the industry once they are unleashed.
She is a mentor, a lecturer, an unsung heroine; Ms. Beverly Gatimu is a lady who changes the lives of students on a day to day basis without ever expecting praise or recognition. She is a lady i admire and emulate.
“Never be sorry for being great”, she told me. And that is why I feel a part of something grand today.

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