Wednesday, April 27, 2011


If you’re asking yourself, “Eh? Kwani, what is blogging?” You definitely don’t interact efficiently with the wide world web. Or, you get onto the internet and do either of the following: launch straight into face book and sit there poking your friends for hours and liking every recent status update. Check out your favorite star’s website and see if the gossip pages are on her again. Google your next assignment, copy paste it onto a word document, then feel academically accomplished. Check the lyrics to the hottest tune at the moment or just mindlessly sit there, in front of your screen switching from tab to tab waiting for something interesting to pop up as you keep refreshing those lackluster tabs. Your loss. Seriously.

The blogosphere, if it were a color it would be rainbow and if it were a car it would be a Matatu; vibrant and with room for everybody. Room for the intellects, the obnoxious fools, the deluded visionaries, the fundamentalists, the realists, the obsessed freaks and even the phony adolescents trying to sound hip. See? It’s a rainbow

Blogging is a form of self expression among the internet tribe. Millions of people all over the world use blogs to chronicle their thoughts on everything from the adverse effects of global warming to whether pink looks good on a guy or not.

It’s just like an online diary. For some people, it's just a way to vent about their boring lectures- a form of stress relief. For others it's a way to brag about how they are loving their newly purchased Ipads and can’t wait for the release of the iphone 3G+. Still others have some sort of specialty knowledge.

Daystar University is home to bloggers. Personally I am acquainted with 9 Daystar students that are active bloggers.

The Daystar blogging family is still increasing. Just two weeks ago my Com 467 (Broadcast journalism) classmates all opened a blog. 27 Daystar students where introduced to the exciting world of blogging.

My close friends here at Daystar University blog too. Maybe not all of them… but it only takes one good friend to start blogging to feel like the entire world is now a much more better place because so and so has enriched it by starting a blog. That might be, for all i care, on something as superfluous as orange juice. It’s a momentous day when my phone rings and a friend goes like, “I’M A BLOGGER NOW!!!!!” It’s even more momentous when the reason behind my friend jumping on the blogwagon, was my constant nagging and persuading for them to do so. That statement is always followed by plans on following them immediately and giddy laughter on their choice of blogging topic and plans to meet at kwa joshu then head to the computer labs to check out their new blog.

One of my buddies here at Daystar, Eli Karanja, started blogging this April after my insistence for like one year now. He is still only an amateur blogger, where his egotism, materialism, hedonism and intelligent vocabulary are that unlikely combination of relatable, endearing, mind-boggling and entertaining. It’s like even though you know you are probably becoming a shoddier version of yourself by reading his blog, and he expresses everything you would never love to stomach, you somehow let him off the hook because he writes so brilliantly. He’s likeable because he knows how to express his beautiful mind.

John Eli Karanja

 There are times where I have thought that someday; Karanja will become so brutally candid to bear – thus becoming infinitely less likeable. But when he writes, in his own words: “am here now and you will follow my blog then you will hate me! You will follow me then you will love me! I will stick around like an STD. For as long as long as the human race continues copulation, I WILL BE HERE (unless of course the lens man kicks over my bucket).” It becomes clear that he is not trying to please the arrogant, the ignorant, the bullheaded and the saintly. What a relief.

“My blog is really like a back up file of all things that cross my mind and there’s no law saying people should read my blog. If any one doesn’t like how I plan on running it, or how it’s like so far, they can go somewhere else.” He says

Oh, well that’s just Karanja, a friend and a Daystar student that just started blogging.

There is a sharp contrast between Karanja and one of my favorite Daystar student blogger, Lilian Mutuku

This lady is just right there with Maya Angelou when it comes to writing. Her style is very conversational, poetic, witty and sometimes nostalgic. She really knows how to articulate those emotions that most of us find hard to express. She is officially the person who is going to write my wedding vows. I swear.
Lilian Mutuku

While talking to her, I found out that what inspires her to write is life, music, and anything that makes her close her eyes and smile. I guess that explains the dreamy tone of her writing. Something that I instantly liked about her blog.

Then there is David Oyuke , a blogger, a poet and wordsmith in his last year here at Daystar.

“Every Daystar student should own a blog, I tell you. You are missing out on a lot if you are not on that blogging tip,”

He goes on to add: “ Daystar is known as on of the best communications schools in East Africa. Blogging is a communication tool. But it’s a tool that is sparsely utilized by the communications major to disseminate information and knowledge.”
David Oyuke

I strongly agree with David. In this age of new media, blogging is a very powerful tool that can be used to by anyone who has an access to a computer. And in this case, every Daystar student has acess to a computer.

So don’t just stop at copy pasting from the internet and “facebooking” the whole time you are in the computer lab.

Why don’t you go ahead and add a new color to the rainbow. Go ahead and climb onto this Matatu called blogging. Trust me, once you get in, you won’t want to get out. Blogging is definitely going to be the ride of your life

Word Count: 1057

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