Thursday, April 28, 2011


Looking at my watch it’s exactly three o’clock in the evening, the time I had booked an interview with Edgar Brian Otanga a librarian at Daystar University. The interview is at the textbook loan office, I hurriedly entered and placed the recorder on the table we didn’t need to have a brief since I had seen him earlier to let him know what I needed from him.

At the beginning of every semester I had visited the textbook loan to borrow most of the books that shall be used in the courses. Today I was there for a different reason and I noticed certain things that I hadn’t over the years I had been there, the books were tidily placed on the shelves; sitting on the chair with a warm smile was a man of light complexion, much defined facial structures and a good dental formula. On his neck was a silver necklace that showed through his well ironed white and pink shirt and a navy blue diamond sweater. From his dressing it is evident that he is young and trendy.

As we begin the interview I discover that Edgar Brian Otanga is a Kenyan from the western region, his mother is a petit woman and his father is the tall one he clearly takes after the father, he is the first born in the family of three and the only boy. As he recalls his early childhood memories he remembers what a normal day was like: wake up and go to play unlike the children today who are lucky enough to watch cartoons early in the morning, he couldn’t do that since the stations opened at 6 A.M and started with prayers. As he got a little older he become more responsible and he did house chores, prepared breakfast for the younger siblings and play football with his peers.

Swinging on his chair with his hands together, Edgar Brian Edgar talks of his educational background, he attended Wanja wa Kim primary school, later went to Save our Souls secondary school. He remembered his first term in secondary school he relaxed on his education and become third last position in the class, “that was a wakeup call for me” he said with a sigh.

We are interrupted by a student returning a book, I notice Edgar Brian Otanga paused the recorder. When the student left he said with an assuring tone “I paused”. We returned to our interview. “What is your favourite childhood memory” I proceeded, there is a glow on his face and with a happy smile he said “my 5th birthday! My granddad slaughtered a sheep for me!” but the saddest day of his life was when the man who gave him the best memory passed away after a long struggle with diabetes.

“I notice that I like things done in a certain way and if they are not done in that way I re do the whole thing” he explained. Edgar Brian Otanga is a perfectionist and a very patient man. He doesn’t have any pets and he dislikes them all together.

He is very passionate about football and this shows from his face when he speaks, at a tender age he would go to the stadium with his father and his uncles to watch matches “when football was football” he says with pride. He recalls “in 1994 during the world cup I was in class four then, due to the time zone difference the match was airing at 3 A.M I stayed up late and arrived school late. The teacher knew why I was late and I didn’t lie about it I was excused because of my honesty”

After clearing high school he was called to Moi University but he declined the offer because he was not interested in the course he was being offered. He later decided to join Kenya School of Professional Studies (KSPS) IN 2002 where he studied IT. In 2003 he came across an advertisement of Daystar University and sent a job application. He was accepted though it was only to help out because he was young and the job required someone older. “God had other plans, Dr. Maso’s wife recommended me for the job and I was accepted and put in training” he said

Edgar Brian Otanga would love to be a footballer if he had the chance to be anything in the world. It has always been his dream but due to a knee injury he sustained that was put aside, if he had an opportunity to meet any person in the world it would without hesitation be Ronaldinho, he would ask him so many questions.

What is Edgar Brian Otanga most proud of? “The fact that I didn’t turn down the opportunity to go to school” he said. I discovered that he is a very friendly and jolly man, he believes in God and Jesus Christ he fellowships at the Kenya Assemblies of God (KAG) in Bahati. And in future he would like to give back to the society and in the process establish an academy to help the less fortunate in society.

“You are lucky to have the opportunity to learn, I come across many people who have problems and cannot continue to study, especially during exam time” he said. It breaks his heart because he realises that education is very important.

Veronica Walubengo a student and also a very good friend to Edgar Brian Otanga said “Edgar is a good friend, he is very understanding, honest and confidential I can tell him anything and get good advice from him”.

“He is a nice guy, friendly, social and just warm” says Linda Sayo a student.

From my observation I see that Edgar Brian Otanga has a good rapport with his co-workers and the students at large. We end the interview since Edgar Brian Otanga was hungry and leaving for lunch.

1 comment:

  1. we cant even read ur blog...the texts cant be seen in that backgroud.
