Ann Nyambura Njung’e-09-0387
This thing called love
There are some things that are too mysterious for me to understand, how an eagle flies so high in the sky, how a ship floats and sails across the sea and how a snake moves on the ground. Love is fourth on the list. So much has been said about the topic yet we continue seeking knowledge from books, friends or experts. Well, the answer simply is, we never learn. Every relationship is a new experience. The other day, I walked past a group of girls, and all I could hear them chatting about was how much they hate men, how they were heartbroken and how they were going to ensure they get a‘Mr. Right’ the next time. The next time is met by a heartbreak and another. As sad as it is, I must say that I believe in love. This stand has stirred a lot of confusion in my head and wanting to question everything about it.
I always ask myself how our parents never got to ‘experiment’. The person that they fell ‘in love’ or ‘in liking’ with was their ultimate companion. Is it that love was different then or have the people in our generation changed? The other day, I met a friend of mine who was always talking about how unlucky she was, how her relationships never lasted and how she always met the wrong guys. This particular day she was glad that she had met somebody and she had a feeling that they were going the distance. I was happy for her and thanked God for making another human being less confused.
The question many people ask , is why the whole issue of love stirs confusion in me yet I believe in it.I always answer this question using the famous soap operas and our experiences on the same.Two people are brought together by love and start dating,after some time they break up,then end up together,then break up again.The trend goes on until they get back together.I find this cycle in human behavior rather confusing.
I am a fan of The Wedding show, a program aired on Citizen TV. The best part of the show is,when the bride and the groom are asked how they met and for how long they have dated. One couple blissfully said that they had only dated for five months, they felt they could not do without each other therefore tied the knot. Well… its not that I am spelling doom for the couple, but one year down the line, the bride will spend hours telling her girlfriends how her husband does not love her anymore.
I am not going to write a whole pageguide on how to have a lasting relationship.Those were my intentions earlier,because it seems like the rule books have not helped. Its time to tear them to pieces. Enjoy the heartbreaks when they come, they will only make you stronger. Dance In the rain, drift to gaga land, spend late nights talking on the phone, that could be love for you. We are not meant to understand or question it but to embrace it. Learn to enjoy each moment with your ‘amour’, it may take a while. At the end of the day it’s just a thing called love.
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