Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Extinct by Alex Mutai (08-0788)

He sat next to me in class, calm and collected. Well, that was I though until he opened his mouth, “Churchill is not funny!” Amazed, I got to know the personality behind the appearance, I was filled with envy. At first, I though he was so self-absorbed that it border narcissism. But there he sat, he was everything I hate but he did it with some much flayer, so eloquently that it looks effortless. Anthony Gichira does not now how to sugar coat. He tells it like it is. Rare, refreshing and everything most of us wish to be. He is the remaining few of a species that is almost extinct...

1 comment:

  1. Kudos Alex!However,proofread your features before publishing.And its thought not though..
