Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Descriptive story by Judy Mwendwa 09-0805

I came to know her a year ago when she found me in a bad shape, lying down helplessly in a ditch along a street in Nairobi, with blood oozing from my nose. She took me to her house, which seemed so welcoming, a good place to be. Just before we entered the house I couldn’t help it but notice her well trimmed garden of flowers which produced a welcoming fragrance.
I have Joan for a friend. She stands tall, medium weight; she always has a well combed hair and well trimmed and manicured nails. She amazes me how she does things, just like she is doing it for the last time. Sometimes I wonder how she manages to do her assignments, chair meetings of the many committees she is involved in and make it to class in time without getting stressed up. I some times think that may be she has more than twenty four hours a day. She is this kind of a student who is always punctual in class, always attentive, submitting assignments in time, never crossing people’s paths and when you make a joke she doesn’t burst into laughter but only smiles despite how funny the joke is.

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