Wednesday, November 23, 2011

leadership 08-1329

Being a leader is not an easy task but many people want to be leaders. The reasons behind their ambitions is best know to them, be it to gain power or for prestige or just because they can; many Africans run to these positions of power. In this continent we have had various types of leaders hailing from different corners. From dictators, liberalists, socialists, capitalist, racist, tribalist and practically any ‘ist’ you can think of. The bulk of these types of leaders with a majority of these traits I believe come from this great nation of ours we call Kenya.
Our country gained its independence ‘on paper’ on 1963 with our very own black majority parliament and leaders chosen by the people. When the white devil left the country the black devil was left behind. I believe the politicians at the time had no ill intentions but power really seems to corrupt good morals. I am not sure if it is the hunger for power that led our leaders to resort to dictatorship and the detaining of some of those who opposed them. The dawn of a new era, where the suppression of the Kenyan people would end and equal rights for all were a dream we to this day still hope will come true.
Is there such a thing as a perfect leader? A person who is just and sincerely thinks of other before him/herself: some one who serves the people: Visionaries who have an eye for the future and not their pockets and how fast they can fill them? Majority of the politicians I our countries think of the legislature as a get rich scheme or use it as a retirement home. Instead of going there to fulfill its main purpose to serve Kenyans they hustle Kenyans of their votes to go and draft policies that increase their wealth.  majority are elite senior citizens who do not want to admit that they have surpassed their usefulness and that it is time to leave the mantle to younger budding Kenyans.

 The only two things dragging our young leaders down are experience and impulsiveness in making of decisions that need time to be thought out. Inheritance of power is also slowly finding it way into our leadership circles. Some of these leaders being endorsed are highly qualified but the way they are introduced to the game is not ethical. They have an advantage over some one else who is a better leader and servant than them. And Kenyans are daft enough to fall for these games our politicians play with us. Instead of these leaders endorsing leaders who they know will serve Kenyans they support those they know can serve them in future with out question. They also hypnotize Kenyans with lies that the person from another community is plotting something their community, turning neighbor against each other.
Politicians in Kenya have it in their minds that we Kenyans are daft and they have always wooed us with the same promises year in year out. Every election year they come to the grass roots pretending to be men of the people. They shout out promises some of which at times are just are like aiming at the moon with nothing but a spear. After we give them our votes the next time we see them is during the next election year with designer shoes and brand new chauffeured cars.  We should all be slapped in the face for falling for these charades time and time again

Kenyans look for the wrong qualities in leaders we are more concerned in what the leader says he will do fro us, yet the person’s track record speaks for itself. This is giving these leaders the confidence that whatever we do there is no action that will be taken on us. some leaders have also gone ahead and even declared their candidacy for the next general election referring to themselves as the best person for the job yet when they were leaders in top government positions all they did was embezzle public funds and never at one time showing traits of a servant leader.
 Leaders should be scrutinized with the uttermost care because the positions we give them are to make the country better for all its citizens and not a selected few who directly affect them. There should be a set up an independent non governmental body that checks out politicians and all they have been up to during their tenure in power. This information should be taken to the grass roots for the people to know what their leader has been doing in parliament for the period they put him/her there. And finally leaders should be removed from power immediately they are found to be not working or incompetent. This is the only way they will be serious with our country.

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