Thursday, November 24, 2011



Everything was in place as I anticipated joining university. And by everything, I mean exactly that. It was only the university that had not yet been decided on but I was still very optimistic. This very fine evening, three application forms were brought to me by my father to fill in. The eagerness and enthusiasm to go to university was quite evident as I filled those forms.As I was in my last application I was more than amazed, actually startled is the word, by something I was expected to write. A testimony! This was unlike the other two applications I had already filled in. Do not get me wrong, writing a testimony was not the issue, it was just surprising. “Why would an institution need my testimony to be included in the application? Will they judge me by my testimony?” I wondered.

Guidance in Prayer

So here is where the difference comes in. Daystar University’s main logo is ‘A university with a difference’. The main difference brought about by its Christian values and above all the faith confessed by those in the institution. Faith comes by hearing and believing the word of God. As Daystar absorbs students they believe that they have a strong background in their faith which they are able to live by. Truth be told, not every student admitted into the campus is saved as some “fake” their way in. We should know that faith is a personal decision and no one can be forced into it. So when a person decides to profess the faith in Christ they should be guided through it.

When eventually students are absorbed we see the rubber meeting the road whereby students face various challenges hence the faith they have always professed is required to help them conquer their challenges. Since it is hard to tackle this as an individual we have a main Christian body known as Daystar Christian Fellowship (DCF) that helps students grow. DCF has 14 sub committees where the members encourage and spur one another into Godly love and more so to exercise their faith. Some of the committees include the Intercessory team which helps in leading the school into prayers and interceding for them. The Daystar Ladies Fellowship (DALAFE) handles issues affecting ladies in the university both in the present and future lives. Also the Sing Africa whereby the members practice their faith through singing. All the 14 sub committees have various roles and responsibilities but the main one is to guide the students in professing their faith in God and standing by it.

As much as students attend chapel they also need to interact in a much informal and smaller setting where they can share with one another. As a leader of small groups I would attest to the fact that the small groups scheduled once a week offer a place to connect with others in fellowship; to grow in our understanding of the Bible, as Jesus' own small group of disciples did; to meet the needs of others in the group in ministry and to worship God through practicing godly behavior. “The members exist to care for one another and to join in lifting one another's burdens before the Lord.” Rev Musyimi the assistant Chaplain said during an evaluation of small groups with the leaders.

Rev Musyimi addressing small group leaders
 Just as the disciples of Jesus had been rescued from pitless issues and remorseful lifestyles when they were called into ministry, same applies to members of DCF sub committees like the missions’ team and evangelism choir. “We have found that the only way we can express our gratitude to God is through outreach ministries that we attend like crusades, ministry in high schools, door-to-door ministry and visits to rehabilitation centers,” Alex Mutuku DCF Missions Coordinator said. All students are usually encouraged to attend these missions that take place mostly over the weekends and holidays when they are not attending classes. “It is with this background that the above mentioned teams have been able to cruise in Kenya and outside in spreading the gospel of Christ.” Kennedy Ogallo DCF Chairman explained.

A student preaching during a mission in Makindu

“For the poor you have with you always.” John 12:8 says. In relation to that verse, some students have been able to extend a helping hand to the rest of the students and entire neighboring community at large. Daystar University Resource Mobilization (DUREMO) raises funds for needy students to help in paying their school fees through activities like car wash and concerts among others. Not forgetting Lukenya Pillars of Transformation (LPT): A community based organization with its brainchild being Collins Togom (alumni of Daystar, class of 2011). He started LPT while still a student after seeing the need of a primary school off campus for the needy students who have to travel all the way to Athi River town to school. The organization has come up with Daystar Mulandi School which received accolades from the Provincial Administration and support from neighboring companies such as Primarosa who are helping in construction of temporary classes.

“A heart that does not support mission is itself a mission ground” George Mueller. Alex Mutuku explained how the above quote had propelled him to join ministry within the school. The greatest work that Jesus left for his disciples was for them to go and make disciples and spread the gospel of Jesus. “After being saved we should not stay in our comfort zones” Alex said. We should participate in ministry through our various areas of gifting and talents and if we do not, we make ourselves the mission that other Christians should reach out to. Chances are that most of us came to faith because someone shared with us; how can we then not do the same for others? That is why we offer our gifts and talents since we have a good platform as students studying in a Christian institution.

Now four years down the line since I wrote my testimony and was accepted into the university, I have learnt that an effective testimony is more than writing one down. It is living our daily lives in honor of Gods glory. It is about our daily lifestyles and the things we do, be it singing, sharing, serving others, giving to the needy, offering a helping hand or praying for others. That is already a testimony about ones life. Now I even write a better testimony than I did four years ago because I can confess of my Christian faith through my daily life. I am now encouraged to continue in the faith even as I anticipate to leave university just like Dan Crawfard said, “The school of faith graduates rare scholars.”

Indeed school of faith graduates rare scholars

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